With the increasing use of buttons, the metaphor is more used in daily conversations. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) listed several late nineteenth Century to early twentieth Century. The "chezhu button (to take by the buttons)" is "I hold sb talk; the button! (DASH my buttons! ") expressed surprise and unexpected emotional troubles;" have higher buttons (to have a soul above soul buttons) "is that their current work is" complete those buttons put fine timber to petty use; (have all their buttons) "the human mind is normal, and less" button (a button "people are not short). Mass democratization has not reversed the tide of expensive decorative buttons. The "Tussie-Mussie" button in Vitoria shows a small bouquet with a symbolic meaning. Vitoria since her husband Albert (Albert) after the death of marble with a black button to show grief, which in the national mourning people wearing buttons popular.
Once the buttons can be mass-produced cheap, hundreds of buttons arranged the most intimate form of clothing, including shoes. More and more buttons are arranged closely, giving the wearer the best fit Henry Pochowski (Henry Petroski) in "practical items evolution" (The Evolution of Useful Things) a book explaining how to use a large number of buttons at the same time raises new questions: "next to the flexible fingers can not let those tight button through a small hole." Solution? A device that is similar to a crochet hook, which can be used to quickly pull out buttons from the eye. In order to adapt to the different size of the button, the button hook also evolved in different forms.
More and more accurately follow the curve of the body button, also has the same sense of body. In twentieth Century, the more sexy side of the buttons show. A button, in other words, means a place of vitality, embarrassment, or excitement. When Parker Parke was told that a woman was kind and gentle, she retorted, "this is not the case when the button is buttoned up," Dorothy said." Gertrude Stein (Gertrude Stein) soft buttons paperback edition "(Tender Buttons) (1914) is vaguely named to the clitoris. The advent of electrical equipment often uses a flat "button" to complete the loop, which makes the phrase "press all my buttons" a pun.
