
Finger tip top rated dangerous toy?!

​Finger tip top rated dangerous toy?!
The fear of being children eating finger gyro parts
Finger tip gyroscope is listed as the number one dangerous toy.
Recently popular Taiwan super Ram toy is a fingertip gyro kids, adults than dazzle, sleep can relieve the pressure, size than adults fingertips gyro's hand, as US consumers supervision organization "the world against dangerous toys" as the number one dangerous toys.
According to Central News Agency reports, the American consumer supervision organization "the world against dangerous toys released before the summer day 10 dangerous toys, pointed out that the small parts of fingertip gyro easy to fall off, if the children were eating, may be stuck in the esophagus and choking injury.
In the United States there are a few things for children to eat by the gyro fingertips were injured in the accident, including 10 year old girl and 5 year old little boy because eating finger top, causing parts stuck in the esophagus, need emergency hospital out.
In addition, the "world against dangerous toys" pointed out that the popular favorite of young people "and" suspension skateboard lithium battery also has some risks, for example, in April of this year, have together due to suspension skateboard caused fire houses in charging case.
Consumer protection lawyer Schwartz said that the suspension skateboard triggered fire and other accidents, and then show that before the sale of goods to consumers, they should pass the strict safety inspection, rather than consumers as the object of inspection.

