I believe that everyone is more or less seen horn buttons, but do you know the horn button how comes? In this paper, we can know the secret of horn buttons together.
When it comes to the well known button coat endorsement characters, you have to mention the famous British Field Marshal Bernard - General Montgomerie. In order to make it easier to identify his troops, he has repeatedly wearing horn button coat. General Montgomerie has the nickname "Monty", because of his influence, a lot of people will be called "Monty button coat coat".
Since 2011, horn button coat coat is often caught a glimpse of a few elements in men's wear show season, British Burberry, Paul Smith and Gloverall have a lot of fashion and classic with horn button coat, just past the behind autumn and winter the men's week, more to join the ranks of the brand.
Taking your buttons which used on your coat.
Horn button coat loose, having the best attention to body collocation layering, shirt and sweater, cardigan or jacket is wearing a coat button in a good choice, different color and fabric stack level will be very exciting, if only a shirt or T-shirt is somewhat mediocre.