Belt dermatitis is a type of contact dermatitis, which is most easily caused by hot weather in midsummer. It is because of some chemical fiber texture or coloring agent, leather or leather processing agent caused by allergies, and tighten the waist belt, compression of local blood circulation, resulting in decreased skin resistance.
Tighten the waist belt, but also easy to make local skin damage induced by repeated friction, belt tightening parts dermatitis, erythema local mild symptoms, pale red to bright red, can be slightly edema, or pinpoint papular lesions and dense; tight waist belt Le site and range consistent belt dermatitis the state is very clear.
In the general sense to remove allergic underwear or belt to reduce symptoms, if properly handled, about 1 to 2 weeks can be cured. If the repeated contact allergens or improper handling can be transformed into sub acute or chronic, reddish brown lichenoid or eczema like change. When the disease occurs, it may be used under the guidance of a doctor.